Stop THINKING and start DOING !
Vicki French Vicki French

Stop THINKING and start DOING !

Are you stuck? If you are not happy with your life then stop Thinking and start Doing! Only you are in control of you, No one can make you feel anything unless you allow it, no one can make you do something unless you allow it. The only person responsible for keeping you stuck is you.

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Do you feel you just don’t ‘fit in’?
Vicki French Vicki French

Do you feel you just don’t ‘fit in’?

So often through my coaching I hear people claim that they struggle to ‘fit in’.

I also felt this way many years ago, so I understand this from experience.  Having studied Coaching and NLP, I now understand this in more depth and I thought I would share it with you.

Think about what ‘fitting in’ means to you.  What is it that you feel is missing? How do you know you don’t fit it? How would you know if you did fit in? What would be different? How would you feel?  What would you hear? What would you see?

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New Year New You...
Vicki French Vicki French

New Year New You...

At the start of a new year its always cold, grey and dark outside but it doesn’t have to be the same inside.

If you have entered January with a doom and gloom feeling, that nothing will change, that it will be just the same as last year, that your life sucks.

Then stop right there and realise that you and only you have the power to make this year the best year you have ever had. That may sound so ridiculous, and so far out of your reach right now, but wait there is more.

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If you constantly 'try' you will never succeed!
Vicki French Vicki French

If you constantly 'try' you will never succeed!

There is no try, you either DO or you DONT. As soon as you hear yourself stating, "I will try and do that", this is you giving yourself lip service, you know deep down that it just isn’t gonna happen. Read these three statements:

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The problem isn't depression...
Vicki French Vicki French

The problem isn't depression...

…The problem is what is causing the Depression. Depression is a label that is attached to people who are struggling to find anything good about their life. The word Depression is generic, and the drugs prescribed for it are not treating the root cause, they are masking it.

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Follow your heart...
Various Vicki French Various Vicki French

Follow your heart...

When you know something is right, you know from within, you don’t have to seek advice or approval from others. It feels right, it looks right and it sounds right, you simply feel so passionate about this decision that nothing could change your mind.

You may choose to share your decision with others, simply to get their take on it, but any opposition will go right out the window.

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Are you choosing to be the victim?
Addictions Vicki French Addictions Vicki French

Are you choosing to be the victim?

The mind has more power than you realise! Consider that your own thoughts are the result of how you feel right now. How you feel right now is not due to that external event/happening, it is due to your thoughts about that external event/happening.

Lets assume you have just received notice that your bank balance is overdrawn. Ok this is not good news but how you react to it will determine your mood. Now you can choose to be angry, hurt, fearful or sad, or all four but this wont change anything. Or you could choose to sit down and work out the best way to get through this. The first option makes you the victim, the second option puts you in control.

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