Positive anything is better than negative nothing


It's time to realise your true worth


Release on past emotions to discover your future freedom


If you have the desire to change then you will succeed


Positive anything is better than negative nothing · It's time to realise your true worth · Release on past emotions to discover your future freedom · If you have the desire to change then you will succeed ·

(For anonymity, only first names or initials are used)

  • "Hi my name is Owen and I would recommend 100% going to see Vicki. It has totally changed me and how I feel about myself, and more importantly gave me the tools to sustain and maintain this great new outlook on life that Vicki helped me to realize. I had been going to therapy for about a year and had seen no positive results . The sessions were just about going over and over the same issues and no help or answers seemed to come out of it so I stopped going. My main problems were overthinking and a severe lack of self-confidence, l saw Vicki's site one night as I was looking for some sort of help and was beginning to believe there was none. Taking down the phone number from the site I must admit I was very sceptical but decided to ring the next day and arranged to meet to have a chat, it was one of the best decisions of my life, Vicki in just a few sessions and a lot of homework , helped me to stop the constant overthinking and my confidence started to rise. Not only that but showed me how to stop the negative me from taking over and to never let it take over again, and I am eternally grateful to her for that. Coaching with Vicki has changed my life and I hope if anyone of you are reading this you will make an appointment and get the help you need. Regards"

    Owen, Watford

  • "I was at a crossroads in my life, did I continue on this road of desolation and loneliness or did I find a way back to what I call normality. I have spent probably 30 years of my life slowly but surely allowing my head to rule my life, the voices which were in fact my subconscious, my inner self, whatever name you want to label them but the voices never stopped they controlled me, my emotions. Over the years I had tried all sorts of different methods of counselling but nothing really got through to the source of the problem all they did was stop me from sinking, then one day I chose to seek life coaching, I went in search of someone local and I was drawn to Vicki. It may sound dramatic but the tools that Vicki has given to me over the 6 sessions have changed my life, my eyes have been opened. Vicki is a wonderful person who has time for you, she adapts each session depending on your needs, never watching the clock and allowing you to come naturally to a point where the session ends. The progress I have made in a few weeks is amazing and it has given me hope and the belief that to change is possible."

    SM, Harlow

  • "I have only had 2 life coaching sessions by telephone with Vicki so far, that is just 2 hours but already I feel completely different. In that short time I have gone from sitting at home in pain all day with a spinal condition, feeling lost and like nothing would ever change to taking the first big steps in overcoming my physical problems, feeling positive and strong and getting out every other day and even applying for a job!. I was also struggling with grief and bereavement after losing my Mother, after an intense and powerful session which included a visualisation exercise my outlook has changed completely and for the first time in 4 years I feel able to deal with the fact that my Mum has passed away - Without coaching from Vicki I would not be able to sit here and say this, never mind feel and believe it! I am not going to say it's an easy journey but it's so worth any difficulties you may face because before Vicki has finished helping you transform your life you'll find that you're not back to your old self but rather you are the person you always wanted to be. I am enthralled, delighted, energised, inspired and my flabber is well and truly ghasted at the things the power of the mind alone can inflict and achieve. My advice to anyone who is desperately lost and low as I was and who has taken that first brave step and found this website would be to contact Vicki and start coaching. There is nothing to be lost other than the negative things which are holding you back."

    CB, Scotland

  • "After some great career success and the ending of my long term relationship I had managed to get myself into a life and lifestyle that I could no longer enjoy nor be proud of. There was a lot of self-hate and self-punishment going on, and except for work I was stuck in my life. I had risked friendships, too, and the only thing that remained improving in my life was my career. When I realised that I was sinking so deep that my best friend also would give up on me, I finally found the courage to seek help from Vicki, and this was one of the best decisions of my life. I had in total 6 skype sessions with Vicki, and she helped me turn things around and fast, very fast. Ever since I am still enjoying my life more and more every day, and I am back in full control as to how my days and life goes. Thank you Vicki!"

    T, Herts

  • "When I started coaching I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. I’d heard great things about NLP coaching, and when I found Vicki and saw her website full of positive testimonials, I just knew I would be embarking on an incredible journey - and I most certainly have! Coaching has helped me to take back control of my life, to spot unhelpful thinking and change it, and has given me so many tools that I’ll use for the rest of my life. My goal for coaching was to let go of the past. I’d tried various types of therapy, all of which helped in their own way, but the last hurdle was to let it all go. Coaching with Vicki helped me find my inner power, and taught me to stop giving it away. My life has climbed to new heights since starting coaching, and Vicki has been the most supportive, kind and insightful teacher. I’d recommend her, and NLP coaching, to everyone!"

    BN, Watford

  • "For a very long time I had been struggling with a lack of direction in my career and life, a sense of being stuck in a creative rut and a terrible problem with procrastination. I finally managed to see a life coach many years after deciding I wanted to and it has been a remarkable experience. In just three sessions Vicki has helped me to completely re-evaluate my approach to life, my goals and the things that matter. I had become completely detached from my core values and coaching has really helped me get unstuck, refocussed and back on track. This process would be beneficial for anybody and I cannot recommend Vicki highly enough as a coach, NLP and TLT practitioner. Thank You!"

    RT, Watford

  • "Having had some prior experience of life coaching, and therefore an understanding of the benefits, I approached Vicki for some guidance with my career. I had just gone self-employed I was having a mild crisis of confidence. Had I made the right move? Where would my career be going? What should I do next? etc. Vicki helped me to evaluate my current situation, explore the reasons why I had arrived at the decision to go self-employed in the first place and what was most important to me now, enabling me to focus on what I wanted to do next and how to get there. Vicki's approach was considered and thoughtful and it helped immensely."

    RC, Bucks

  • "Feeling as though I was experiencing a mini 'mid life crisis', I contacted Vicki to help clear some emotional 'blockages'. I also felt that I needed to regain some direction - which I seemed to be lacking since leaving an industry within which I'd been working for years. Vicki's approach is open, warm and relaxed, putting you at ease as soon as you meet her. Her amazing skills as an NLP and TLT coach have been incredibly helpful in clearing those 'emotional blocks' and have provided me with some fantastic tools, which not only helped me during the sessions, but will continue to help me to be my own best friend and enable me to live the life that everyone deserves to live - an abundant one, brimming with happiness and fulfilment. Thank you for this Vicki!"

    RF, Richmond

  • "I had three sessions with Vicki and she helped me to become more confident in many situations and dealing with set backs that might occur. She made me realise the bad patterns I had and gave me the tools to correct these and I have now put in place new patterns and values. These have helped me already in a short space of time."

    RB, Watford

  • "I would like to thank you Vicki for all your help you have given me in the past few months, meeting you for life coaching has been life changing, I can’t praise you enough, keep up the good work you do. All the best wishes"

    SH, Watford

  • "I cannot recommend Vicki enough. I’ve had years of therapy & counselling for lifelong issues, but with only 3 sessions with Vicki and I have made major breakthroughs and have finally moved passed issues that have plagued me for decades. I can’t believe I only needed 3 sessions at a fraction of the price of previous therapists. If I ever face a life problem again I am sure to return to Vicki. "

    MB, Herts

  • "I made some major physical changes to my life but needed help to change the emotional ones. I found Vicki online. I was an emotional wreck and cried all through my first session! But Vicki was amazing and extremely supportive and after 3 sessions I began to notice and feel the difference in me. After a few more sessions, I am now a happy, positive and stronger person than I have ever been all thanks to Vicki's wonderful methods of retraining your thoughts and learned behaviours xx"

    TS, Bushey

  • "Since having Life Coaching with Vicki, i feel like I am back in control of my life. I am able to take control of situations which were spiraling out of control. I now have direction and can stay focused on what I want. One of the main points I have learnt is the ability to say 'No' and think more about myself than others all the time. Everybody needs an element of Life Coaching - it is like a breath of fresh air!"

    LD, Herts

  • "After feeling at my absolute lowest and really not knowing where to turn, I decided to visit a Life Coach as my last resort. I found Vicki on line and booked an appointment. From the moment I met her I felt like she actually really cared about helping me and making me feel better. After a couple of sessions I feel like I finally have control of my life again! Thank you Vicki for setting me back on the right track"

    CG, Watford