Time Line Therapy

Time Line Therapy is a registered trademark of Tad James and has become known as one of the most effective methods for creating quick, lasting changes for individuals.

This technique is an excellent means for changing the chain of events leading to a certain set of unwanted behaviours or unwanted states.

Negative emotions that have been affecting your life, such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt, will be eliminated through Time Line Therapy. By discovering the root cause, you will be left with only positive emotions and empowered to make uplifting decisions.

Time Line Therapy is also an effective technique for treating fears and phobias such as:

  • Fear of Flying

  • Fear of Needles

  • Fear of Spiders

  • Fear of Heights

Over years we store negative emotions and harbour fears that impact our lives and cloud our vision.

TLT will enable you to clear all that is negative and enable you to focus on moving forward to your desired outcome.

Positive anything is better than negative nothing


It's time to realise your true worth


Release on past emotions to discover your future freedom


If you have the desire to change then you will succeed


Positive anything is better than negative nothing · It's time to realise your true worth · Release on past emotions to discover your future freedom · If you have the desire to change then you will succeed ·