Follow your heart...

When you know something is right, you know from within, you don’t have to seek advice or approval from others.  It feels right, it looks right and it sounds right, you simply feel so passionate about this decision that nothing could change your mind. You may choose to share your decision with others, simply to get their take on it, but any opposition will go right out the window.

What is happening here is that you are following your heart, you are tapping into your higher self, looking within and listening to your intuition, sometimes referred to as your gut instinct.

Many people have asked me how you can distinguish if it is your gut instinct or just impulsiveness. There is a difference, can you remember a time when you made a decision, but then you started to have doubts, questions popped up, such as ‘what if it isn’t right’?  or ‘What if it all goes wrong? you start to wonder if this is your gut telling you to ‘do it’ or is it warning you ‘not to do it’.  By now confusion reigns and you are not sure of anything, it all becomes a muddle in your head and  this can be very frustrating.

It is not always easy to tap into your higher self and to follow your heart, however  I have learned through my own struggles, that the key is in the questioning!.

Your gut instinct, your  higher self, your intuition, however your refer to it, comes from within, you know instantly, there is excitement, there is light, there is joy and there is a fire in your belly.  It only becomes confusing the minute you stop listening and start to question and doubt and let the ego take over.

Here is a very simple example…

You have purchased an item of clothing on line, it arrives, it is everything you expected, you try it on, you love it, it feels great, it looks great and you can’t wait to wear it.  There is no doubt in your mind at all, in fact you take the labels off right there and then, it is not being returned!

Now let’s assume the opposite scenario….

The package arrives, you open it, it looks slightly different to what  you expected, you try it on,  you are not sure,  you keep looking in the mirror at different angles, you are still not sure.  You then seek another’s opinion, “Hey what do you think of this?”  You get the reply “Yep great”.   You go back to the mirror, you are still not sure.  Then you go back to the person and ask  if they really like it and if it really suits you.

Now you see the difference….If you have to seek approval or advice then there is your answer!  As soon as you opened the package, you knew deep down it was not for you.  You tried talking yourself into it, but when that didn’t work, you still didn’t listen, you went looking for someone else to convince you!.

The above is a simple scenario, but use moments like this to become more aware of your higher self, practice tapping into your intuition, following your gut instinct.  This will enable you to make the right decisions for you, whether it be in relationships, jobs, buying a home or a car etc.  If you live from the heart, you will lead a satisfying, fulfilled and passionate life.

So start right now, the next time your intuition screams from within,  listen to it, notice how it feels, looks, sounds, notice where you feel it, learn to recognise it and harness it.

When I decided to become a Life Coach,  many people advised me against it, for various valid reasons, but  I didn’t listen because what anyone said didn’t matter to me, my mind was made up, I was following my heart and I have never looked back.

You hold within all the answers and all the resources you need.  Trust your intuition and you will discover the power within.

In the words of David Bowie, “When you know, you know you know!”


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