The problem isn't depression...

…The problem is what is causing the Depression.  Depression is a label that is attached to people who are struggling to find anything good about their life. The word Depression is generic, and the drugs prescribed for it are not treating the root cause, they are masking it.

There is a reason for your depression, you didn’t just wake up one day depressed. You were not born depressed.  You maybe  struggling in some areas, or you may have past hurt and pain, or you may be lonely, there could be a number of reasons you are feeling like you are, the key is in discovering the root cause of your problem.  Sometimes it may have been going on for so long, that you can’t even remember a time where you felt good.

This is where Coaching can assist by allowing you to dig deep within, to discover the root cause. Once you discover the cause you can then start to undo and release all that is keeping you stuck. It will take time and effort, but it won’t take months.

NLP techniques work fast, on fears, phobias, anxiety, limiting beliefs and decisions.  You will start to climb out of that black hole step by step, you will move forward and start to discover your true self once again.  Once you realise and harness the power you hold within, you will then be able to take back control, because that is all that has happened….you have lost control of you.

Through coaching I have helped clients overcome depression, they have taken back control and have the tools with them to prevent them from ever sliding backwards.  If you are in this place then here are three key steps that will get you started on taking back control.

  • Become aware of your thoughts.  Thoughts come before the emotion, therefore however you feel is due to your thoughts.  A thought is just that, a thought and nothing more.  But when you allow self destructive thoughts to take control then this is self-sabotage.  So start to become aware of your thoughts, realise that you can let bad thoughts in or you can let them go, it is your choice. You alone have this power within, and once you make this power work for you, instead of against you. then you are taking back control. So start practising right now.  When you wake up tomorrow morning, become aware of your first thought.  If it is working against you, replace it with a thought that will work for you.  Practice this through out the day.  As soon as your mood drops, consider the thought that promoted that drop in mood and then decide how you can change that thought or if you should just simply let it go.

  • Look deep within, dig down deep and start to write up a list of all that is wrong in your life. Take time over this, keep the list around and add to it daily.  It may be difficult at first, but you know the answers, you can do this.  Once you have the list drawn up you can then prioritise them in order of importance.  Then take the number 1 issue and decide what needs to change to improve your life right now.  Can you alone make this change? Do you need to ask for help from family or friends?.  There is always an answer be open to finding it.  Take small steps, don’t look at the big picture, taking it step by step will allow you to slowly start taking back control.  Sometimes just little changes can make a big difference.  This takes effort and time but if you want to get out of that whole then make the time and effort and see how good it feels.

  • You may uncover past memories that are keeping you stuck. Now is the time to realise that they are just memories and that you and only you can put them to rest.  No matter how bad they are, they are now just memories and they are only  alive in your head.   Holding on to them is doing you no good, blaming others for anything, is doing you no good.  Make a decision with yourself that it is all in the past, you cant change it so you are going to finally let them go once and for all.

Now that you are ready to let go of the past memories complete this Releasing Exercise to ensure that they are gone for ever.

Sit quietly and close your eyes, gather the unwanted memories, feel and see where they are inside of you, they could be in your head, or your chest or your stomach, give them a colour and a shape.  Now when you are ready, take a huge deep breathe in and then blow out with full force, blowing those memories away, take another deep breath in and do the same and see those memories going up through the hemisphere and into space and dispersing into tiny dust particles.  Now breathe gently, taking in the colour blue, relax, feel good that you have let go of all that negativity.   As human beings we have so much power within, master that power and make it work for you, not against you.

Remember no one can make you feel anything unless you allow it!

If you would like to learn more, contact me below.

Warmest wishes.


If you constantly 'try' you will never succeed!


Follow your heart...