If you constantly 'try' you will never succeed!

There is no try, you either DO or you DONT. As soon as you hear yourself stating, "I will try and do that", this is you giving yourself lip service, you know deep down that it just isn’t gonna happen.Read these three statements:

  1. I am going to try and finish my course before the end of the year. 

  2. I will finish my course before the end of the year.

  3. I will not finish my course before the end of the year.

You see the difference, in number 2 and 3 there is a commitment, a decision. In number 1 there is blah!By stating you are trying, you are admitting that you are not actually doing anything towards reaching this goal but you know full well that you should be.For one day, remove the word 'try' from your vocabulary and see the difference, feel how better your day becomes.When your boss says, I need you here dead on 8.30am, don’t say “Ok I’ll try, but traffic may cause delays”. Instead say “I will be here dead on time”.When someone says are you coming to the pub this evening. Don’t say “I’ll try” say instead “Of course I am” or “No sorry I cant make it”.When someone asks "are you going to book that exam"? Don’t say I will try and do it as soon as possible. Say “I will do so right now". Or “I have decided not to do it”.When there is no try, you are in control, you are making decisions, you are making commitments. When you are in control, you are on track, motivated and moving forward.Don’t let this small three lettered word, keep you stuck, and prevent you from achieving and moving on in life.Remember you are listening to everything you say, ensure you tell yourself the truth.


New Year New You...


The problem isn't depression...