Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life.
Since the Covid Breakout our lives have changed in such a short time,
we are seeing a world that we have never seen before.
We are also learning along the way.
We are learning how to adapt and cope on a daily basis, we are learning the importance of hygiene across the world, how to be appreciative of others and how to help and be there for those most vulnerable.
Some of you may be looking after family. Many of you will be getting used to working from home and being isolated, some of you may have no work
and struggling to manage.
This is a very tough time for all, but the one positive that will come from
this is that we will learn!
We have lived for far too long in a superficial world of Greed, Wars, Materialism, Selfishness and Violence and have also caused so much damage to our beautiful Planet.
The most positive learning that we will gain during this time is that we will learn about ourselves more deeply than ever before.
So don’t give up, we will get through this and we will come out the other side with a much deeper awareness of what is important in this life.
And that is to show love, to show gratitude, to be kind, to be there for each other,
and to look after our beautiful planet.
Where ever you are right now remember that
Today is the First day of the rest of your Life.
Focus on what you can achieve during this period of lockdown, what projects could you
work on? There is always something to do, and being productive will
keep you in a good mindset even at the worse times.
More than ever before you now realise that every day is a new beginning and one day not too far away, we will all look back and realise just how much of this life
we have taken for granted and just how much more we have to offer
to ensure our world and our planet survive.
Keep safe, keep positive !