The start of a new year is a good time to look deeper, to examine your life and see what needs to change. This is why we tend to make New Years Resolutions, which often we don’t keep to. This is probably due to them being a ‘should’ rather than a ‘Want’.
The ‘should’ is what you feel is expected of you rather than what is important TO YOU.
When we hear from others what we ‘should do’…. this then keeps nagging at us and we can then start to feel discontent. It is not about anyone else it is about YOU. Only YOU know what is right for you, it does not matter what anyone else thinks, listen to your higher self and follow your instinct.
Are you happy in your job?
Are you happy in your relationship?
Are you happy where you live?
Are you happy with your weight/fitness?
Are you following your passions?
Once you start to look at all these areas you will become more in touch with what changes, if any, that you need to make. These may not be life changing, they may just put you more in control of your life and reaching your dreams.
It is very easy to slip into a mundane existence and just plod along. Making small changes in all areas of the above could improve every area. It may be that you do need to make big changes, only you will know.
If this is the case, look at what is stopping you from making these changes.
Is it fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone?
Is it fear of the unknown?
Is it fear of failure?
Don’t let fear hold you back. It is better to regret doing something than to regret not doing something.
It may be that you are in a place due to others’ needs rather than by choice? Most of us are trapped in prisons of our own making caring too much about everything that does not really matter. You have one life so make sure you live it rather than just exist through it.
The only constant in life is CHANGE. You can’t see into the future so don’t assume you can, don’t let “What ifs” prevent you from taking back control. Only YOU know what is right for YOU, look within, if it feels right just GO FOR IT!
Warmest wishes