Spring has Sprung!

Spring is in the air!!!

So it’s that time of year once again where you start to think about clearing out the old and starting a new.

You start working on the house, on the garden, planning holidays etc, but do you ever take a step back and take time to think about you.

For instance, when did you last ask yourself, Am I happy? Am I fulfilled? Am I satisfied? Am I motivated? Am I heading in the right direction? Do I know where I want to be this time next year?

If you answered yes to all the above then well done, you are on your path, you know what you want and how to get there.

If you answered no to some or all of the above then now is the time to make that change!

Indulge in some real you time! Set aside an hour alone with just a pen and paper.

Consider your life right now. For every question above where you answered ‘no’, now ask ‘why? Once you know ‘why’ then you can identify what needs to change. Once you know what needs to change, you can decide the first step in making that change.

Sometimes when we want to change things in our lives we look at the big picture and it all seems so far away and unreachable that often we push it aside and it then becomes just a dream.

The key is to break it down into smaller chunks – draw up a plan of where you are now, where you want to be and what steps you need to make to get there.  Next set weekly goals, write down the first step, then the 2nd step and so on. Once you break it down and start reaching these weekly goals, you become more motivated and pretty soon you are half way towards your desired outcome in no time at all.

Anything is achievable if you have the desire. Once you start looking ahead and planning for the future your life will have new meaning, you will become enthusiastic and positive.

If you have no enthusiasm for life then something needs to change, don’t waste any more time, life is too short!!

Coaching can provide fast and effective results. So take advantage of my Spring Offer. From now until the end of April 20% discount on all coaching sessions.

Live the Life you Love and Love the Life you Live!

Email to vicki@aaylifecoaching.com quoting ‘Spring has Sprung offer’


Are you Depressed or just Fed Up?


Take the Reins and Make the Change!