Happy New You!!!

 The start of a New Year is a great time to make changes, do the things you have been putting off,  get out of the job you hate, change location, stop smoking, re train, get fit, get slim, get rich etc.  So why is it that usually even before the end of January, those plans, goals, ideas and dreams are fading fast?  

Firstly it’s not enough to just want something, usually what happens is that people look at the desired outcome, for instance “I want to be slim” or “I want to quit smoking” and this goal becomes so daunting and so far away that they quickly give up.

What you need to do is put a plan into place.  Visualise the out-come, then set your self short term goals, either weekly, bi weekly or monthly.  By doing this the out-come is not so overwhelming, plus when you reach each goal, you will feel a sense of achievement and be motivated to continue on to the next and the next and the next and pretty soon your overall goal is so much closer and no longer daunting.

 Whilst going through this new transition always focus on ‘now’, do something every day towards your goal. Become aware of your inner state as you reach each milestone, how if feels, what is sounds like, what it looks like, learn new behaviours and thought patterns to accommodate your change of habit and this will ensure that the new way becomes the only way!

You have within you, the power and all of the resources required to be the person you truly want to be!

Happy New You !!!


Spring Coaching Offer !!!


Life Purpose