What's Eating You?

If the real issues surrounding weight issues are dealt with you will never have to diet or join a slimming club again. In the past, like many others, I have had weight issues. At one time I was a size 18 and weighed 13 stone. I also battled with anorexia for a year and a half, although at the time I did not believe I was anorexic. Since discovering NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and becoming a Master NLP Coach and learning from my own experiences, I now know that eating issues are nothing to do with food. If you, like me, have tried numerous slimming clubs, diets, calorie counting and so on, you will know that they are usually just a short-term fix. You will also know that the one thing that happens for sure is once on any diet. you will now concentrate on food 24/7. Slimming starts to take over your life, it’s all you think about and it’s all you talk about. Consider this; if you concentrate all the time on what you don’t want, then you will get more of what you don’t want!

It is nothing to do with what you eat or when you eat.  So long as you are fully committed to leading a healthy lifestyle. If you have the desire to change you will!

My weight loss programme will be a journey of self discovery. You will learn why you have weight issues, how to face those issues and how to deal with and move on from those issues. This will enable you to live a fulfilled and satisfied life, no longer dominated by slimming. It will be an emotional journey too, but the outcome will leave you enlightened, renewed and in control.


Comfort Zone !!!


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